Приказ резултата 3-22 од 282

      Accumulation of toxic metals in the vegetative parts of wheat [1]
      Agricultural resources and development priorities of the municipality of Stara Pazova [1]
      Air pollution and micotoxins in agriculture [2]
      Ambalaža za pesticide i njen uticaj na očuvanje životne sredine [1]
      Analiza glavnih aditivnih efekata i multiplikativne interakcije komponenti prinosa pojedinih genotipova pšenice [1]
      Analiza osnovnih grupa modela organizovanja tržišta sistema javnog gradskog prevoza putnika [1]
      Analyses of Globodera rostochiensis and G-pallida populations from Serbia by morphometrics and real-time PCR [1]
      Analysis of economic results of dietary medicinal plants usage in broilers production [1]
      Analysis of main additive effects and multiplicative interactions of components of yield of certain wheat genotypes [1]
      Analysis of the basic groups of the market organization model of public city passenger transportation systems [1]
      Animal manure and environment [1]
      Antioxidant Activity and Multi-Elemental Analysis of Dark Chocolate [1]
      Antioxidant potential of green synthesized AGNPs, essential oil, and extracts of Origanum vulgare L. leaves [1]
      Aplikativnost neparametarskih modela istorijske simulacije na tržištima u nastajanju [1]
      Application of mathematical modeling in ecology [1]
      Application of visual and olfactory perception in monitoring and control of aphids [1]
      Assessing ecological aspects of biosafety of genetically modified crops to environment [1]
      Assessment of employees competences carried out by different management levels [1]
      Assessment of Genotype Stress Tolerance as an Effective Way to Sustain Wheat Production under Salinity Stress Conditions [1]
      Atmospheric input of pollutants – opportunity for innovation [1]