Приказ резултата 152-171 од 282

      Occurrence of Heterodera schachtii in the sugar beet growing areas of Vojvodina, Serbia [1]
      Occurrence of potato cyst nematodes in the ware potato growing areas of Serbia [1]
      Occurrence of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria in the potato field in Serbia [1]
      Ocena faktora konkurentnosti i inovativnosti u cilju ostvarivanja tržišnog učešća [1]
      Ocena kompetenci zaposlenih od strane različitih menadžment nivoa [1]
      Ocene ključnih faktora unapređenja poslovanja i marketinškog koncepta u domaćim organizacijama [1]
      Ocenjivanje ekoloških aspekata biološke sigurnosti genetski modifikovanih biljaka po životnu sredinu [1]
      Ograničenje i potencijal gajenja pšenice za obezbeđenje hrane [1]
      Openness of companies in Serbia to creativity, new ideas and innovation [1]
      Organic production in Serbia: The transition to green economy [2]
      Organic soybean cultivation with a sustainable system [1]
      Organic spelt production systems: Productive and financial performance in three orographic regions [1]
      Organization's profitable business conduct as the outcome of advancing competitiveness by the CRM concept [1]
      Organizational-economic models for assessment of economic effects of intensive carp production [1]
      Otpadne vode tekstilne industrije [1]
      Otvorenost preduzeća u Srbiji za kreativnost, nove ideje i inovacije [1]
      Pandemic COVID – 19 and financial policy to reduce the economic recession in Serbia [1]
      Paradigm shift in electrical engineering, telecommunications and ICT teaching [1]
      Parametri plodnosti zemljišta u funkciji tipa zemljišta na teritoriji grada Pančeva [1]
      Perspective of wheat breeding [1]