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Productivity of alternative small grains in the organic farming system

dc.contributor.advisorKovačević, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherOljača, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherCvijanović, Gorica
dc.contributor.otherDolijanović, Željko
dc.contributor.otherMarinković, Jelena
dc.creatorRoljević, Svetlana M.
dc.description.abstractCilj ispitivanja je proučavanje morfoloških i produktivnih osobina alternativnih strnih žita u sistemu organske zemljoradnje, kao i proučavanje uticaja ovog načina gajenja strnih žita na fizičke i biološke osobine zemljišta, zatim floristički sastav, svežu i vazdušno suvu biomasu korovske zajednice. Pomenute osobine su ispitivane u zavisnosti od vremenskih uslova tokom tri vegetacione sezone, sortimenta i đubrenja. U radu je ispitivana korelaciona zavisnost morfoloških i produktivnih osobina kako bi se doprinelo daljoj selekciji sorti alternativnih žita za potrebe organske poljoprivrede i lakšem izboru genotipova za uslove niskih ulaganja. U ispitivanje je uključeno šest sorti, od kojih četiri sorte za specijalne namene (Nirvana, Bambi, Dolap i Golijat), jedna sorta tritikalea (Odisej) i jedna konvencionalna sorta obične meke pšenice (NS 40S). Đubrenje podrazumeva tri varijante: samostalnu primenu folijarnog mikrobiološkog đubriva, kombinovanu primenu organskog i mikrobiološkog đubriva i kontrolu bez đubrenja. Ispitivanje je obavljeno u trogodišnjem periodu (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12), na oglednom polju „Radmilovac“, na zemljištu tipa izluženi černozem, metodom potpuno slučajnog blok sistema. U okviru statističko-biometrijskih metoda obrade podataka korišćeni su analiza varijanse, korelaciona analiza i LSD test radi poređenja razlika sredina tretmana. Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da đubrenje, kao ispitivani faktor, nije značajno uticalo na zapreminsku masu i poroznost zemljišta, usled smene useva u četvoropoljnom plodoredu. Međutim, zapreminska masa zemljišta (1,36 g cm-3) je bila vrlo značajno manja, a ukupna poroznost zemljišta (47,58 %) vrlo značajno veća u trećoj u poređenju sa prve dve godine ispitivanja, što ukazuje da su ove osobine zemljišta podložne promenama tokom vremena u sistemu organske zemljoradnje. Na vazdušni kapacitet zemljišta, đubrenje je imalo veoma značajan uticaj. Svi ispitivani faktori i njihove interakcije uticali su na ukupan broj mikroorganizama, broj ispitivanih sistematskih i fizioloških grupa mikroorganizama u rizosfernom sloju zemljišta. Ustanovljena je veća osetljivost sorte obične i kompaktum pšenice na stvaranje asocijacija sa korisnim mikroorganizmima iz autohtone mikroflore u poređenju sa sortom krupnika i sortom tvrde pšenice...sr
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the paper was to study logical and productive characteristics of alternative small grains growing in the system of organic farming, as well as the effects of this way of growing cereals in the physical and biological properties of the soil, followed by the floristic composition and fresh and air-dry biomass of the weed community. The above-mentioned properties were investigated depending on the different weather conditions during three growing seasons, varieties and fertilizer. This paper analyzes the correlation of morphological and productive characteristics in order to further contribute to the selection of alternative wheat varieties for organic agriculture and facilitate the selection of genotypes for low-input conditions. The study has included six varieties, of which four varieties are for special purposes (Nirvana, Bambi, Dolap and Goliat), one variety of triticale (Odisej) and a conventional variety of common soft wheat (NS 40S). Fertilization involves three types: independent foliar application of microbial fertilizers, combined application of organic and microbial fertilizers and control without fertilization. The study was conducted during the three-year period (2009/10; 2010/11; 2011/12), on leached chernozem, using completely randomized block design. Within the statistical and biometric methods of processing data, the analysis of variance, correlation and LSD test for comparison of different treatment environments were applied. The results showed that fertilization, as studied factor, has not significantly affected the bulk density and porosity of the soil, due to shifts in the four field crop rotation. However, the volumetric bulk density (1,36 g cm-3) was very significantly less, and the total porosity of the soil (47,58 %) was significantly higher in comparison with the third in the first two tests, indicating that these are the properties of the soil subject to change over time in the system of organic farming. On the air capacity of soil, fertilization had a significant impact. All tested factors and their interactions have affected the total number of microorganisms, investigated systematic and physiological groups of microorganisms in the rhizosphere soil layer. Greater susceptibility of cultivars of common and compactum wheat while creating links with beneficial microorganisms indigenous micro flora, comparing with the spelt cultivar and durum wheat cultivar was noticed...en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46006/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179028/RS//
dc.subjectorgansko đubrivosr
dc.subjectorganska proizvodnjasr
dc.subjectmorfološke i produktivne osobine žitasr
dc.subjectmikrobiološki preparatsr
dc.subjectfizičke osobine zemljištasr
dc.subjectalternativna žitasr
dc.subjectphysical properties of the soilen
dc.subjectorganic fertilizeren
dc.subjectorganic farmingen
dc.subjectmorphological and productive traits of wheaten
dc.subjectmicrobial compositionen
dc.subjectalternative grainsen
dc.titleProduktivnost alternativnih strnih žita u sistemu organske zemljoradnjesr
dc.titleProductivity of alternative small grains in the organic farming systemen



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