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Stability of yield and maize compounds in conditions of stress under the sulphonylurea

dc.contributor.advisorŽivanović, Tomislav
dc.contributor.otherProdanović, Slaven
dc.contributor.otherOljača, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherGrčić, Nikola
dc.creatorBožović, Dragan
dc.description.abstractKukuruz (Zea mays L.) predstavlja strateški važnu poljoprivrednu vrstu koja zauzima treće mesto po rasprostranjenosti u svetu. Ima široku upotrebu u savremenom živoitu čoveka, a prema nekim procenama industrijskom preradom kukuruza dobija se preko 500 različitih proizvoda. Pored navedenog značaja, kukuruz zauzima veoma važno mesto u plodoredu. Razvoj nauke je doprineo da kukuruz danas poseduje visok potencijal rodnosti. Osnova moderne selekcija kukuruza je u sistemu inbriding – hibridizacija. Kao mera ostvarene dobiti koristi se prosečno povećanje prinosa zrna na godišnjem nivou. Pored drugih agrotehničkih mera ovome je svakako doprinela i pozitivna interakcija svih činilaca od značaja za proizvodnju. Ovo je uticalo na određivanje cilja istraživanja kao osnove razumevanja ekspresije kvantitativnih osobina, prinos zrna i komponente prinosa zrna, kao zbira efekata genotipa, sredine i interakcije genotipa i spoljašnje sredine (GEI). Pod interakcijom genotipa i spoljašnje sredine se podrazumeva različito reagovanje genotipova na promenljive uslove spoljašnje sredine. Cilj ovog rada je da se odrede: ekspresija osobina, heterozis i nasleđivanje osobina u uslovima stresa izazvanog sulfonilureama i definiše način nasleđivanja ispitivanih osobina. Ovaj rad, takođe, treba da pokaže da li postoji i kolika je korelaciona povezanost ispitivanih osobina u uslovima stresa izazvanog različitim sulfonilureama i koja osobina najjače utiču na prinos zrna. Takođe, cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi varijabilnost osobina i stabilnost prinosa i drugih kvantitativnih osobina genotipova kukuruza, što će doprineti formiranje slike o prirodi varijabilnosti ispitivanih osobina, ali i samog prinosa zrna u različitim uslovima godine i lokaliteta pod uticajem stresa izazvanog sulfonilureama. Analiza interakcije treba da omogući izdvajanje pojedinačnih genotipova koji su pokazali najveću stabilnost i potencijal za prinos u različitim uslovima proizvodnje. Ovaj rad treba da bude od koristi kako selekcionerima kukuruza tako i samim poljoprivrednim proizvođačima pri izboru hibrida kukuruza za proizvodnju. Istraživanja su sprovedena tokom 2010. i 2011. godine u Institutu Tamiš i Institutu za kukuruz u Zemun Polju. Ogled je postavljen na dve lokacije; Pančevo (lokacija 1) i Zemun Polje (lokacija 2)
dc.description.abstractMaize is not only strategically important agricultural species but also is the third most widespread in the world. It is also widely used in modern life. According to some estimates, there are different maize products. Besides it is significance mentioned above, maize is regarded to have an inportant place in crop rotation. The developmend of science research has contributet to its high fertility potential. The base of moder maize selection is in inbreadin – hybridization. System in addition to certain scientific farming methods, a positive interaction among all important factors for production have contributet to that fact. This defined the aim of reserch as the base for understanding of expression of quantitative features, grain yeald and its components which is all the sum of genotype effects environment and interaction between genotype and environment (GEI). Genotype and environment means different reaction of genotype to changeable environmental conditions. The aim of research is to define: the expression of features, heterosis and inheritance of feauteres in stress conditionals caused by sulfonylureas and to define the way of inhertance tested features. The research should also present, if it exist, how big is correlative connection of tested features in stress conditionals caused by various sulfonylureas and which features influence grain yield most. Additionally, the aim of the research is to determine a feature variability and yield stability, and other quantitive features of maize genotypes, which will contribute to forming an image about the nature of variability of tested features and also of grain yield itself in different conditionals during the year and locality influenced by stress caused sulfonylureas. The interaction analysis should enable isolation of individual genotypes which showed the higes stability and yield potential in various conditions of production. The research should be of benefit to both the maize selectors and farmers in making choice of maize hybrides for production. The research were done in 2010. and 2011. at the Institute Tamiš and Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje. The experimen was conducted in two location: Pančevo (location 1) and Zemun Polje (location 2). a basic plant material were 6 comercial maize hybrids producted by Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje (ZPSC 434 - (H-1), ZPSC 505 - (H-2), ZP SC 560 - (H-3), ZPSC 600 - (H-4), ZPSC 606 - (H-5) i ZPSC 684 - (H-6)), FAO ripening group 400, 500, 600 and 700 and 6 maize lines (L-1, L-2, L-3, L-4, L-5 i L-6)...en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
dc.subjectSpirmanov koeficijent korelacija i klaster analizasr
dc.subjectnačin nasleđivanjasr
dc.subjectGGE biplotsr
dc.subjectAMMI analizasr
dc.subjectSpirman's correlation coefficient and cluster analysisen
dc.subjectGGE biploten
dc.subjectAMMI analysisen
dc.titleStabilnost prinosa i komponenti rodnosti kukuruza u uslovima stresa pod dejstvom sulfonilureasr
dc.titleStability of yield and maize compounds in conditions of stress under the sulphonylureaen



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