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Phytophthora ramorum – presence and status in Serbia

dc.creatorVojvodić, Mira
dc.creatorKnežević, Isidora
dc.creatorGrkinić, Miljan
dc.creatorBulajić, Aleksandra
dc.description.abstractKarantinski regulisan patogen Phytophthora ramorum Werres, de Cock and Man in ’t Veld je prouzrokovač iznenadnog uginuća hrasta (SOD, sudden oak death) i sušenja listova, pupoljaka i letorasta više ukrasnih i šumskih biljaka. Kao izuzetno agresivan patogen, P. ramorum nanosi značajne štete gde god je prisutna i zbog toga se pojava i rasprostranjenost redovno prate svuda u svetu. Krug biljaka domaćina uključuje u SAD pre svega hrastove, dok u EU osetljivi domaćini uglavnom pripadaju često gajenim ukrasnim biljkama. Osetljive biljke domaćini su često predmet međunarodne trgovine zbog čega je rizik od introdukcije i širenja visok i stalno prisutan. P. ramorum je detektovana u najmanje 20 zemalja u Evropi i devet u SAD. U Srbiji, potencijalno prisustvo P. ramorum se intenzivno prati već 16 godina. Na teritoriji naše zemlje pregledano je preko 18000 biljaka u rasadnicima, urbanom zelenilu, velikoprodajnim i maloprodajnim centrima, kao i biljaka u pošiljkama u međunarodnoj razmeni. Tokom godina uzorkovano je više od 1300 biljaka iz preko 50 osetljivih sorti, vrsta ili rodova. Uzorkovane biljke su ispoljavale simptome nekroze listova, vršnih pupoljaka, kao i sušenja grančica ili grana, mada je manji broj uzoraka uključivao i biljke bez simptoma u cilju otkrivanja mogućih latentnih zaraza. U radu su predstavljeni najznačajniji rezultati višegodišnjih istraživanja uključujući rezultate prve detekcije P. ramorum 2008. godine u biljkama iz rodova Rhododendron i Pieris. Nakon toga izvršena je uspešna eradikacija, pošto ni nakon intenzivnog, višegodišnjeg, ciljanog uzorkovanja ni u uzorcima analiziranim 2022. godine patogen nije detektovan. Na osnovu svega, status P. ramorum u Srbiji podrazumeva da nije
dc.description.abstractQuarantine pathogen Phytophthora ramorum Werres, de Cock and Man in ’t Veld is the causal agent of sudden oak death (SOD) and necrosis of leaves, buds and branches of numerous ornamental and forest plants. Known as extremely aggressive pathogen, P. ramorum is very harmful for the susceptible plants wherever is present and for that reason the presence and distribution is regularly monitored all over the world. Host range of P. ramorum in the USA mainly includes different oaks and forest plants, while in the Europe susceptible host plants mainly includes popular and widely grown ornamentals. Susceptible host plants are common in international trade which makes the risk for introductions high and permanent. So far, P. ramorum has been detected in at least 20 countries in the Europe and nine in the USA. In Serbia, permanent monitoring is lasting since 2006. Over 18,000 plants were examined in our country collected in nurseries, garden centres, retails and small shops as well as on phytosanitary check points in international trade. In that period, over 1.300 samples were collected from over 50 susceptible cultivars, species or genera. Sampled plants exhibited symptoms of necrosis of leaves, buds or branches, while smaller number of samples included symptomless plants in order to detect latent infections. In this paper, the most important results of 16 yearlong research are presented, including the results of the first detection of P. ramorum in infected Rhododendron and Pieris plants. A successful eradication has been confirmed by intensive every year sampling and not even in samples analysed in 2022 the pathogen was not detected. According to our results, P. ramorum status in Serbia confirms that pathogen is not
dc.publisherBeograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultetsr
dc.publisherBeograd : Udruženje za pejzažnu hortikulturu Srbije - UPHSsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova XX Simpozijuma iz oblasti pejzažne hortikulture: Zdravlje biljaka - zdravlje ljudisr
dc.titlePhytophtora ramorum - prisustvo i status u Srbijisr
dc.titlePhytophthora ramorum – presence and status in Serbiasr

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