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Uticaj organskog i mikrobiološkog đubriva na morfološke i produktivne osobine tritikalea u sistemu organske proizvodnje

dc.creatorRoljević Nikolić, Svetlana
dc.creatorDolijanović, Željko
dc.creatorZečević, Veselinka
dc.creatorPuvača, Nikola
dc.creatorOljača, Snežana
dc.creatorŠeremešić, Srđan
dc.identifier.issn1450-8109 2406-0968
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study was to examine the impact of microbiological and organic fertilizers on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale during a three-year period (2009/10–2011/12). A two-factorial field experiment was arranged using a randomized block design with four replications. The object of the study was the triticale winter cultivar Odisej, and the following treatments were applied: a control variant without fertilization, microbiological fertilizer “Slavol” (Agrounik Serbia) 5.0 l ha -1, organic fertilizer “Biohumus Royal offert” (Altamed RS) 3.0 t ha -1 + microbiological fertilizer “Slavol” (Agrounik Serbia) 5.0 l ha-1 . The results showed that the expression of the characteristics was significantly affected by the environment. The lowest values were obtained in the first year when the most unfavourable meteorological conditions were observed. The application of microbiological fertilizer had no impact on the stem length and grain weight per spike, but it significantly increased the number of fertile spikelets (3.7%), spike length (7.7%) and grain yield (18.6%). The combined application of fertilizers provided better results for all the examined characteristics, while in comparison with the control, the differences ranged from 4.3% for the number of fertile spikelets to 46.5% for grain yield. The strongest correlation was determined between the spike length and the number of fertile spikelets (r = 0.939**). The obtained results lead to the conclusion that under variable environmental conditions, the application of fertilizers has a significant impact on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale, and consequently on the stability of this crop production in the organic farming system.sr
dc.description.abstractCilj istraživanja bio je ispitivanje uticaja biohumusa i biofertilizatora na morfološke i produktivne osobine tritikalea u trogodišnjem periodu (2009/10– 2011/12). Poljski ogled je postavljen kao dvofaktorijalni, po metodi blok sistema sa slučajnim rasporedom tretmana u četiri ponavljanja. Predmet ispitivanja bila je ozima sorta tritikalea, Odisej, a ispitivan je uticaj sledećih tretmana: kontrola bez đubrenja, biofertilizator (5,0 l ha -1), biohumus (3,0 t ha-1) + biofertilizator (5,0 l ha -1). Rezultati su pokazali da spoljašnja sredina ima značajan uticaj na ekspresiju ispitivanih osobina. Najmanje vrednosti dobijene su u prvoj godini, koja je imala i najnepovoljnije meteorološke uslove. Đubrenje je imalo statistički značajan uticaj na većinu ispitivanih osobina. Primena biofertilizatora nije uticala na dužinu stabla i masu zrna u klasu, ali je značajno povećala broj plodnih klasića (3,7%), dužinu klasa (7,7%) i prinos zrna (18,6%). Kombinovanom primenom đubriva postignuti su bolji rezultati za sve ispitivane osobine, a razlike u odnosu na kontrolu bez đubrenja kretale su se u nivou od 4,3% za broj plodnih klasića do 46,5% kod prinosa zrna. Najjača korelaciona povezanost ustanovljena je između dužine klasa i broja plodnih klasića (r = 0,939**). Dobijeni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da, u promenljivim uslovima spoljašnje sredine, primena dobro izbalansiranih formula organskih i mikrobioloških đubriva ima značajan uticaj na morfološke i produktivne osobine tritikalea, a samim tim na stabilnost proizvodnje ovog useva u sistemu organskog gajenja.sr
dc.publisherBelgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculturesr
dc.sourceJournal of Agricultural Sciencessr
dc.subjectstem heightsr
dc.subjectspike lengthsr
dc.subjectgrain weightsr
dc.subjectfertile spikeletssr
dc.subjectgrain numbersr
dc.subjectmicrobiological fertilizersr
dc.subjectorganic fertilizersr
dc.subjectvisina stablasr
dc.subjectdužina klasasr
dc.subjectmasa zrnasr
dc.subjectplodni klasićisr
dc.subjectbroj zrnasr
dc.subjectmikrobiološko đubrivosr
dc.subjectorgansko đubrivosr
dc.titleEffects of organic and microbiological fertilizers on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale in the organic farming systemsr
dc.titleUticaj organskog i mikrobiološkog đubriva na morfološke i produktivne osobine tritikalea u sistemu organske proizvodnjesr



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